Reborn Doll Bottles -Should I Make My Own?

If you have the time and like to choose your own baby bottle, you should make your own reborn doll bottles.  The key to saving money while making them though, is to gather up several of your favorite bottles and make them all at one time.

Making the bottles is going to require the following items:

1.  The bottle, which can be any number of ounces you choose.  Most sizes fit best with dolls that are at least 18 inches or taller.

2.  Clear silicone for sealing the nipple holes.  Make sure you look at the bottle nipple carefully though.  You want to make sure you find any surprise air holes.

3.  E-6000 or some other strong glue to seal the rim, if desired.

4.  Your fake milk and fake juice.  Many people use white Elmer's glue since they have it at home.  If not, you can use lotion mixed with water or fabric softener mixed with water for the fake milk.  Make sure if you use glue that you shake the bottle often.  It can stick to the sides of the bottle and when it sits, it does separate.  Some use white paints too, but then again, those can stick to the sides of the bottles.  Fake juice is made from any coloring and water.

You will need to put the silicone in the nipple holes.  You really don't need much if you are sure the holes are sealed.   Let dry for at least 24 hours.  Partially fill your bottle with liquid, glue shut if you like, and let dry for at least several days before using it regularly.  You can display it right away.  Just don't turn it upside down yet. 

It's easy enough, but definitely more economical to make a few at a time.  The silicone tends to dry in the tube or clump when not used for awhile.  Take care to use the glues in a well ventilated room.

Have fun making your reborn doll bottles.  For more detailed instructions you can order our booklet on Amazon.  CLICK HERE FOR THE LINK


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