Reborn Baby Doll Milk Bottles - Should The Faux Formula Go Into the Nipple or Not?

Reborn baby doll bottles partially filled with faux milk or formula are very popular on the internet with reborn doll owners.  The preference seems to vary when it comes to formula that flows all the way into the nipple & formula that stops at the neck of the bottle; some prefer no formula in the bottle at all.

This is definitely a personal preference, but here are some things to think about when deciding for yourself.  The reborn baby bottles are designed as a prop for your doll.  Most reborn owners buy props to keep with their dolls for display and not for every day use, so in this case, any of the choices above would work just fine.  The need for a careful decision comes when the owners actually use the bottles in play with their baby dolls. Although reborn bottle makers seal the nipples very carefully, the nipples are still made of a material that could potentially incur damage, risking the leakage of the contents onto your doll. If used carefully and with care, this shouldn't happen, but it is a risk to be considered, especially when you have invested hundreds of dollars into your reborn. The other popular alternative is a bottle filled with fake formula/ milk that stops before the liquid reaches the nipple. This is often done with a sealing disk. This method allows for safe play that still offers a realistic look, without the risk.

Pictures of Faux Formula Bottles (come in three different colors and are the Gerber Quality brand name) where the liquid only flows to the neck.  The latex nipple on these masks the liquid anyway and looks very realistic without taking chances.  Click here or on the picture for more info.

If you purchase a reborn doll bottle that has the faux formula flowing all the way to the nipple, the nipple will be sealed with some type of clear silicone.  This silicone plugs up the nipple so that the formula cannot squirt out of the top.  Once the bottle nipples are sealed at the tip, the lid is permanently adhered to the bottle using a strong adhesive. Once this is done, the lid can no longer be removed.

This is a picture of a Gumdrop Brand reborn baby bottle.  The liquid does flow into this nipple but the nipple is colored so it's hard to see.  It does look very realistic.  The end of the nipple is sealed with silicone to prevent the liquid from leaking out and the lid is permanently sealed.  You can see more examples of these types of bottles by clicking here.

We believe that having the fake milk flow into the reborn baby doll bottle nipple is only a good choice if it is being used under supervision (if used by a child), with a doll that could be easily cleaned if damage should occur, being used carefully and responsibly, or if you have no intention of actually using it as a toy with your doll.  As a prop, you should feel confident with either choice. Young children should always be supervised.


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